The team of experts associated with HKNS have been instrumental in designing the concept of National Leprosy Control Program (NLCP) & National Leprosy Eradication Program (NLEP)
Prior to NLCP, the Govt of India had formulated the National Leprosy Control Scheme
Under the scheme, emphasis was laid on increasing the number of leprosy treatment centres
In 1954, Govt of India appointed a committee to consider the steps to be taken to CONTROL leprosy, thus paving the way for the National Leprosy Control Program
At the start, Govt of India allocated Rs.30 lacks for NLCP
HKNS has one of the richest resource/library on leprosy
The HKNS works for Leprosy eradication along with the NLEP of Govt of India
The main areas of work are:
Health education, school health
Community awareness program
Rehabilitation of leprosy patients
Involve the community to reduce stigma
Promoting self-reporting of cases