Birth of HKNS
After independence, an urge was felt among the people working in leprosy to form a new set up which could reflect changes which came over after independence. At Wardha conference in November 1947, a resolution was passed to change the name of BELRA. An interim association named Akhil Bharat Kusht Samiti was formed to look after the transformation of BELRA into a new body. After two years on 19 August 1949 the HIND KUSHT NIVARN SANGH was formed based on its recommendations got registered with Registrar of Societies under Societies Registration Act. 1861.
H.E. The President of India is the President of the organization. Hon’ble Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Government of India is the Chairman of the organization
Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary are nominated by H.E. the President of India on the recommendation of the Hon’ble Chairman of the Sangh. Even Chairman is also nominated by HE the President of India.
Rajkumari Amrit Kaur was the first Chairperson. Sardar Bahadur Balwant Sing Puri was first Hony. Secretary of HKNS. Prof T. N. Jagadisan was the first Organizing Secretary of HKNS
The list of Hony. Secretaries is as fololows:
Organizing secretaries of HKNS were as follows.
Prof T. N. Jagdishan 1950-66
Paul Karipurath- 1976-77
Mrs Annakutty Roche - 1978-88
S.A Jagannathan – 1989-2001